Dostoevsky quotes on jesus christ
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Dostoevsky quotes on jesus christ
10 Quotes by Fyodor Dostoyevsky about God, Faith, and Christianity
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, the philosophically and theologically insightful Russian author, underwent two defining life events in November. The first was his birth (November 11, 1821), and the second was a stunning near-death experience (November 16, 1849).
Dostoyevsky’s close encounter with death occurred after he was sentenced to face a shooting squad for supposedly engaging in “antigovernment activities.” Fortunately, he was spared at the last minute.
Christianity Today summarizes the dramatic event:
The sentence of death had been read, last rites offered. Fyodor Dostoyevksy, 29, watched as fellow prisoners were tied to a stake, readied to be shot.
Then a messenger burst upon this scene, saying the Tsar had decided to spare their lives (as it turned out, the mock execution had been part of his punishment).
Dostoyevsky still served four years in a labor camp.
But fortunately for fans of classic fiction, he l