Vijay p bhatkar caste certificate status

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    Service Plus Bihar, Rtps bihar application status, For caste, income and residential certificate Download. Birth, Marriage, Income, EWS and Cast Certificate Apply Online services at

    Bihar RTPS

    Developing a comprehensive service platform allows the government to reach millions of users under a single platform.

    This helps compile accurate information easily through a transparent channel.

    Vijay p bhatkar caste certificate status west bengal

    Bihar state government offers its resident the privilege to access various department services through an advanced portal available on mobile and computer devices. The RTPS Bihar service plus Portal is the exclusive system that offers collective government services.

    Bihar citizens seeking legal certificates such as income certificates, caste, residential certificates, and more should visit the RTPS service plus portal.

    The abbreviation means Right to Public Services (RTPS); the government has invested in the portal to assist many citizens simultaneously.


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