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Roger ebert birthplace of abraham
Release Date: 2008
by Roger Ebert
"Moving Midway" tells three stories, each one worthy of a film of its own. (1) It records the journey home to North Carolina of the film critic Godfrey Cheshire, and his discovery of his family's secret history.
(2) It documents the ordeal of moving a 160-year-old Southern plantation house to a new location miles away, not by road but overland. (3) It demolishes the myth of the Southern plantation.
Movie critics are always asked if they've ever wanted to make a movie of their own.
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A handful, like Peter Bogdanovich and Rod Lurie, have had success with features. Others, like Todd McCarthy, have made good documentaries. Godfrey Cheshire's first film follows the first rule of both kinds of films: Start with a strong story that you feel a personal connection with.
His story grows stronger, and the connections deeper.
Like many critics (the Alabama-born Jonathan Rosenbaum comes to mind), Cheshire was a small-town boy who