Susan polgar daily chess news
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Daily News – Chess Daily News by Susan Polgar!
The Grandmaster Experiment
The world's first female grandmaster was ready to deliver her regular Thursday-night lecture. Susan Polgar was perfumed, coiffed, made-up and dressed in a sleek black pantsuit, an elegant contrast to the boys and young men hunched over their boards in her Queens, New York, chess club.
"I have a special treat," Susan, 36, announced in her gentle Hungarian accent.
Susan polgar daily news
"Tonight, everyone will get to play me." Blitz chess it was—each opponent received five minutes on his clock to Susan's one. She first sat across from a young Serbian man. The two began slamming pieces and punching down their side of the clock, creating a percussive sound track to their lightning-fast moves.
Susan beat him with a good 30 seconds to spare.
Susan polgar daily chess news
He shook his head and avoided her eyes. A retired bartender and a 14-year-old boy succumbed almost as quickly. A reluctant 9-year-old suffering from an allergy attack was then coaxed to step up to the challenge. "Don't worry about your eyes—e