Delois barrett campbell funeral

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    Delois barrett campbell funeral

  • Delois barrett campbell funeral
  • Biography sample
  • Delois barrett campbell funeral service
  • Rev frank campbell chicago
  • Delois barrett campbell dies
  • Delois barrett campbell of chicago
  • Memorial for Billie Barrett Greenbey honors Chicago's gospel history, legacy of The Barrett Sisters

    CHICAGO (WLS) -- Billie Barrett Greenbey of the famous Chicago gospel trio, The Barrett Sisters, died on February 28, 2020, at the age of 91.

    Billie sang the sibling group's alto part, bridging the melodic gap to help create unique, pristine harmonies.

    The memorial services were held over two days at two churches on Chicago's far South Side, Lilydale Progressive MB Church in West Roseland and Trinity United Church of Christ in Washington Heights.

    The sisters grew up in the South Side neighborhood of Chatham, down the street from Dr.

    Thomas A. Dorsey, who originally coined the term "gospel music," and gospel legend Mahalia Jackson.

    Rodessa Barrett Porter, the youngest sister who sang soprano, is the only member of the trio still living.

    Delois Barrett Campbell, the group's leader, died at age 85 on August 2, 2011.

    Delois's youngest daughter,