Sheikh hassan dyck biography of william

  • Sheikh hassan dyck biography of william
  • Sheikh hassan dyck biography of william e...

    Sheikh Hassan - Founder and Imam of the Herberge

    Founder of the Osmanische Herberge in Kall and regional leader of the community is Sheikh Hassan, "the Terrible", as he himself likes to add with a little smile, because this name was given to him by his teacher Sheikh Nazimhimself, famous for his humorous nature.

    On this page we want to highlight a view stations of the life of Sheikh Hassan's from the Christian born kid of post-war West-Berlin to the Imam of the Mosqueand leader of the Sufi-Derga in the Eifel - with the intention of giving a first idea to the curious reader about what is going on in the Osmanische Herberge, and maybe to arouse interest in one or the other in meeting this truely interesting personality.

    Sheikh Hassan is no friend of important titlesand would more likely refuse to be adressed as "leader of the Herberge", but prefer to call himself someone, who only strives to follow the unreachable example of his teacher Sheikh Nazim, and to fulfil his order to r