Hard country pakistan biography

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    Book Author:  Anatol Lieven

    In post 9/11 era, Pakistan has been portraying by the mainstream scholars as a hazardous place on the face of the earth on the basis of its deteriorating security situation, declining economic condition and social unrest in the form of street protests and strikes.

    Hard country pakistan biography

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  • The prevailing transnational threat of terrorism in the presence of nuclear weapons has associated the probabilities of nuclear terrorism to Pakistan. Henceforth, the terrorism has become a gravest threat to Pakistan’s national security.

    It also provided sufficient chances to its traditional rivals to consciously criticize the state’s core values. Under the US led-war on terror, Pakistan has become an essential ingredient of US politics of South Asia. The Antol Lieven’s magisterial examination, after examining the Pakistan’s present position along with the evolution of history, foresee of future of Pakistan and its standing in the world politics.

    Debate on Pakistan

    The well-articulated re